April 2, 2012

Day 93...Resting and Rain

Today is going to be a rest day for me.  Partly due to the low temps, high winds and the rain/snow mix thats rolling in as I type.  Partly because my legs hurt so bad that Im not sleeping well at night.  Im all about pushing myself and hurting, but I DO know that when you cant sleep you cant recover on much of any level.

What that means is that Im just 1 day(40 miles) short of my goal.  I aimed for all 5 days to ride in, but only got 4 in.  From a "be hard on myself" standpoint Im disappointed.  From a realistic standpoint, Im satisfied with my week.  The week before I got 3.5 days of riding in, this week it was a full 4 days to and from work.  You can check it out here...


From what Endomondo says, I got 168 miles in this week/4 days.  Ill take that for being back on the bike for only 2.5 weeks after not riding at all for 6mos and for not doing any sort of training/riding for even longer...way longer.

This week will be more of a rest week I think.  Tomorrow the wife has some appts in the morning which means Ill be driving to work(yes Im working tomorrow and wednesday cause we're heading to Chicago thursday).

ok...coffee time!

...boots out.

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