January 15, 2012

Day 15..."say something stupid"

Ah, this day is coming to an end, as is the weekend...sorta.  The wife has tomorrow off in honor of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, which means its still the weekend for her.  In turn since she's home the day, itll still be the weekend for me since I wont be on solo dad duty with the two tornados of love...aka...my sons.  Grandma Gayle left today after being here for Zach's birthday, and helping us by entertaining the boys, her 2 favorite grandsons(theyre the only two).  

Resolutions are tough man, now I know why I havent attempted any in years!  Im gonna try a couple new things next week in the routine category.  Will report back on that.  

Should be able to get out and ride after monday, and my tuesday, as we're supposed to get some snow tomorrow.  I need to loosen the legs up slowly from the hiatus theyve had.  Not looking for any kind of performance from them, just wanna get the engine moving more and seeing what hurts the most!

I thought of the picture below today.  Usually that happens when I feel like saying something out "loud"...ie...the twittersphere, and I offend someone in the process.  I mean no harm, as a matter of fact its quite the opposite, Im all about love and peace.  Unfortunately i suffer from "foot in mouth" syndrome at times.  When that happens I remember this picture from a shop I worked at early in life.  It struck me as quite the "common sense" way of thinking and acting, but we're all human and some of tend to lack the brain to mouth filter of which so many out there have.  Anyway...apologies to anyone I set off, please lets talk about it.  Enjoy...

Boots out...

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