January 18, 2012

Day 18...Tough man

The title in not is supposed to indicate that yours truly is one.  Its more along the lines of "its gonna be tough man" to keep true to my #nyrevolutions when work hits full time and Im running the kids to/fro daycare.  Ok, I just reread that sentence and decided I should have my foot chewed on for a bit.  StayAtHome Moms have been doing this forever...MUCH Respect!  Having the boys in the car in the middle of the worst traffic ever was nice.  They sang and made jokes...kinda cool when they start having their "conversations" and laughing about it.  Very cool actually!

Did some nice tickets at work today.  Glued up a set of tubies(vittoria evo cx/reynolds carbon) then slapped them on an EMX-3 for a gentlemen.  Got the pres' Custom Trek Rd bike of Team Numb Nuts dialed in.  Mavic's hubs blow...IMO...as the interface of rubber on plastic just inherently doesnt seem smart on any level.  Once dirt attracts it turns the damn things into semi-fixy mode.  Luckily my ladies and gents at Dumonde.com make a Freehub Lube that reduces the drag by up to 60%...so says an unnamed source in the industry, allegedly.  Its killer stuff.  Anyway, those were the 2 most rewarding tickets of the day.  "Bikes and Beers" this Friday, which is essentially an open house for the shop  If youre in the area feel free to stop by.  Gonna be some nice eye candy there...bikes that is.

Tomorrow its wheel work here at the house.  Gonna be getting a couple sets of wheels ready for sale for a client.  Easton alloy tubies, 1 sans tires, the other w/Challenge cross tubies and cassette.  Ill throw the link up once he's decided on price and what not.

boots out...

I miss mountain biking...gotta work on that

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